Research Training for Graduate and Undergraduate Students in Avian Migration Biology


The Avian Migration Program focuses on preparing students for careers in applied conservation of migratory birds in a rapidly changing climate. Avian migrants are literally the canaries in the coal mine in regards to the impacts of climate change on wildlife, and they provide valuable insights into how human actions are impacting wildlife populations, disease, physiology, and behavior. Undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in research and resource management can apply for funded research positions during the academic year and agency internships in the summer. Students from all demographic groups are encouraged to apply.


Program activities include:
  • Team-mentored research experiences for graduate and undergraduate students
  • Summer internships with federal and state agency internships
  • Core courses include Science and Ethics, Seminar in Migration Biology and Tropical Avian Ecology in Costa Rica.
  • Workshops on applying to federal jobs and development of leadership and other professional skills
  • Conference attendance for networking and presentation of research results
  • Training in proposal writing for external funding
  • Teaching and mentoring experiences for graduate students
  • Outreach to broader community through public Migration Days


Funded by the USDA-NIFA

USDA-NIFA LogosAviation Migration Logo - Various birds above the Earth encircled by two curved arrows